C o m p o s i t i o n
Simplicity and directness of expression, color versatility and some extent of repetitiveness are the main features of Golec's music. Her musical landscape is very descriptive, imaginative, free, facile, and accessible to a diverse audience. Golec's mission is to open "mental space" with her music: to let the listeners imagine, open their minds and let them be directed by their own imagination. Golec stresses: "My intention is not to make my audience be bound by what I envision but rather to let them imagine anything; to stimulate brain activity in the listener which promotes a strong psychological and physical experience".
She adds: “Color versatility is a crucial component of my musical language: various registers represent different color features; every harmony creates a different color, and it is important for the performers to seek out and express this uniqueness. Voicing, articulation, and pedaling all work together to enhance the vivid color effects.”
Prelude for Piano No.2, Toccata for piano solo, and "Forests" for piano were recorded as a part of Golec's CD album entitled "Beata E. Golec - pianist and composer". The CD is available for sale online and in stores.
New Dawn - Program notes
This composition was completed in April 2024 and it is structured as a ternary form with a brief coda. The message of the piece is "there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel". While sorting out our own life journeys and living in the midst of the challenges that might come our way (whatever they might mean to you) we often lose the ability to see the large picture. We are unaware of our inner strength and resilience at that particular moment. We are much stronger than we believed, and are able to overcome. At the end we are freed from the pain and oppression we experienced in the past. This is the most wonderful feeling in the world.
Tomorrow - Program notes
This piece was composed in April 2020 in the midst of the pandemic. It focuses on the unknown and the scope of uncertainty we all experienced during the lock-down. In the midst of tragedy, distress and anxiety, we felt an inner voice of hopefulness that tomorrow will be a better time than the previous experiences. The composition ends with an consonant and spacious harmony symbolizing hope.
Wings - Program notes
Wings represent motion, action and power. They also mean hope, bravery and freedom. The Silesian Insurgents’ Monument which is located in Katowice, Poland commemorates the patriotism of the Polish people who took part in the three Silesian Uprisings in 1919- 1921. These uprisings were against the German rule. The resistance hoped to break away from Germany in order to join the Second Polish Republic, which had been established in the wake of World War I. The Monument is shaped into three wings representing the three Silesian Uprisings.
Forests - Program notes
“Forests” are not to make anyone imagine trees. My intention was to see and musically represent forests as space. This space often seems endless and is often surprising. Forests are one-of-a-kind experience. Positive or negative. In daytime, each smallest detail of the forest’s beauty is dramatically accentuated. You feel tempted to lick the morning dew off the tree leaves, you are tempted to pause your trip to suffuse yourself with the pine fragrance spread around.
At night, forests might be terrifying. Darkness causes our imagination
to control our logical way of thinking. We feel trapped, lost, and not
aware of any direction. All surroundings seem enormous and seeking to fight against us. Our awareness reaches its climax.
Falling - Program notes
I saw Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. I have given you the power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to defeat the power of your enemy Satan. Nothing can harm you. But don't be happy because evil spirits obey you. Be happy that your names are written in heaven!
(Luke 10:18-20)
Consequence of Sin - Program notes
The Consequence of Sin is a set of three improvisations for prepared piano and recorded human voices. The triptych consisting of "Sin", "Pain" and "Grief" is based on a rhythmic representation of Braille language notation. Each letter notated in Braille contains a combination of six dots and spaces. Thus, each letter in the title of the improvisation is realized as a 3/4 measure with notes of various durations but most commonly eighth notes, quarter notes and dotted quarter notes. The sound of the piano has been altered and enhanced through the use of a stapler, leather belt and sheets of card stock. The use of specifically selected intervals corresponds with the meaning of the improvisations. The tritone (devil in music) has been used to represent sin, and falling minor seconds to represent grief. Recorded in the spring of 2014 with technical assistance from Ed Hallborg.